An integrated circuit or a chip consists of electronic circuits built on a tiny plate made up of semiconductor material. Integrated circuits are compact in design and can hold up to hundreds of transistors and other components that are embedded on the semiconductor plate. Ultra large scale integrated circuits (ULSI) have capacity to hold around millions of transistors and other components. ULSI is an advanced technology of large-scale integration (LSI) and very large-scale integration (VLSI) technologies, however falls in the same category as that of VLSI. Based on the manufacturing techniques, IC’s are classified into thin and thick film ICs, monolithic ICs, and hybrid or multichip ICs.
The thin and thick film ICs includes components such as capacitors and resistors as an integrated components and diodes and transistors are connected separately to construct a single complete circuit. The monolithic ICs consist of both active and passive components and their interfacing is done on the silicon chip. Hybrid or Multichip ICs contains active and passive components and are diffused on a single chip. ICs can be functioned as rectifier, oscillator, counter, amplifier, timer and memory.
Based on the applications the integrated circuits are classified as analog integrated circuits, digital integrated circuits and mixed integrated circuits. Analog integrated circuits are the circuits that operates on continuous signal. Digital integrated circuits are the circuits that operates on defined levels such as 0 and 1. Mixed integrated circuits are the circuits that operates on combination of both analog integrated circuits and digital integrated circuits. These ICs can function as converter such as analog to digital or digital to analog converters.
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Due to increasing adoption rate and enhancement in the mobile phones, the demand for the integrated circuit is rising. Also due to the increasing applications in personal computers, tablets, laptops, usb drives and other electronic devices directly contributes to the growth of the ultra large scale ICs market. One of the major factor that restrains the growth of the ultra large scale integrated circuit market is the complex design and its fabrication.
However due to the benefits offered by the integrated circuit such as high performance, high operating speed, and integrated components on a single microchip, the demand for ultra large scale integrated circuit is increasing. The compact design of the ICs, low power consumption, fewer interconnections, and the low cost involved together drives the future of the integrated circuits.
The global ultra large scale ICs market is segmented into application, end use, and geography. On the basis of application, ULSI is segmented into mobiles, tablets, computers, digital cameras usb drives and others. On the basis of end use, ultra large scale integrated circuit is segmented into telecommunication, consumer electronics, defense, healthcare, and others. Geographically, global ultra large scale integrated circuits market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Asia Pacific market is expected to have a significant market share due to the increasing population, and use of consumer electronics followed by North America. Also the presence of semiconductor manufacturers boosts the growth of the ultra large scale integrated circuits market in Asia pacific region.
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Some of the key players operating in the global smart label market are Agilent Technologies, Broadcom, Infineon Technologies, Intel Corporation, Micron Technologies Inc., Qualcomm Technologies Inc., Samsung, Texas Instruments Incorporated, MediaTek Inc., and among others.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
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