Darlington transistor or a Darlington pair is made up of two bipolar transistors that eventually act as a single transistor. The input transistor’s emitter is connected to the output transistor’s base while their collectors are tied together. A resistor is often placed in between the emitter of the first transistor and base of the second to increase its operating speed. The current amplified by the first transistor is further amplified by the second one owing to this type of connection. Thus, the Darlington pair provides a very high-current gain from a low-base current. It also provides high input impedance and low output impedance.
Several manufacturers package this compound transistor circuit into a single package with only three external leads, base, collector, and emitter. Thus, simple Darlington circuit configuration and its wide availability in a single package make it suitable for numerous applications within electrical and electronic circuits. Its major applications include switching and amplification to deliver a very high DC current gain. It is also used as photo-Darlington transistor in light-sensitive applications for improved noise performance over a combination of phototransistor with an external amplifier.
Darlington Transistor Market: Drivers and Restraints
Darlington transistors are mainly used in applications in which high gain at low frequency is a criterion. However, amongst all other applications, its increasing demand in low noise amplifier, distributed amplifier, broadband mixer, power amplifier, and other modern communication devices is expected to drive Darlington transistor market in the near future. Some of the characteristics such as compact chip size, large current gain with stability in operation, simple circuit configuration, and high input impedance are largely responsible for its integration in current communication devices.
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Major limitation of a Darlington transistor is the high voltage drop between its base and emitter when fully saturated. The high base-emitter voltage leads to high power dissipation and therefore increased requirement of heat sink. Darlington transistors also suffer from slow switching speed and narrow bandwidth. However, the issues of high base-emitter voltage and slow switching speed are anticipated to be resolved by Sziklai configuration and a series resistor between the emitter and base of input and output transistor respectively. Therefore, despite limitations, Darlington transistors are expected to be extensively used in applications where high gain current levels are required and high frequency response is not a prerequisite.
Darlington Transistor Market: Key Segments
The Darlington transistor market can be classified on the basis of product type, power dissipation, minimum DC current gain, application, and geography. In terms of product type, the Darlington transistor market can be segmented into NPN, NPN/PNP, and PNP. On the basis of power dissipation, the Darlington transistor market can be bifurcated into 200mW to 999mW, 1W to 1.75W, 2W, 2.25W to 80W, and 81W to 250W.
On the basis of minimum DC current gain, the Darlington transistor market can be segmented into 5 to 999, 1000 to 5000, 5001 to 10,000 and greater than 10,001. In terms of application, the Darlington transistor market can be classified into power regulators, audio amplifiers, display drivers, motor controllers, touch and light sensors, solenoid controllers, and others.
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Based on geography, the Darlington transistor market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East & Africa (MEA), and South America. North America and Asia Pacific are expected to be highly attractive regions for the Darlington transistor market owing to the presence of a large number of semiconductor manufacturers in these regions.